Café Business Masterclass: Service Times & Trading Times

Café Business Masterclass: Service Times & Trading Times
Two big tips here:
  • Review your trading hours – ever heard the expression 'the early bird gets the worm?'. Well it's no different with your café!
    Adding to your opening hours can be slow at first, but in most cases will pay off in the long run. This has been proven time and time again. Patience is key here. For example, if you’re opening up your café at 8am you can’t expect to open the following day at 6am be flooded with customers – it takes time and commitment.

  • Speed up service times, quick, thoughtful service means people are more likely to come back. It’s simple, but so many businesses are just too slow! Consider counter service during the peak demand times that occur in coffee shops at breakfast and lunch. This will be a lot less stressful on everyone. And don’t forget that just because your customer has ordered over the counter doesn’t mean you forget about them (this happens a lot and I’ll discuss this in a few weeks)!

  • If your seating fills up during peak times, increase capacity by adding more tables or reconfiguring the floor layout to allow more usable seating. This of course is subject to your local council approval and your licensed capacity.


Next lesson: Business reality check


I would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch any time!


Carlos Zeidan,

Founder | King Carlos Coffee Roasters | (02) 9580 1300


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