What makes PNG coffee so good?

An estimated 87,000 hectares (210,000 acres) is under coffee cultivation in Papua New Guinea. The majority of the coffee is grown in the highlands, where 70% of the population are dependent upon subsistence agriculture.
In Papua New Guinea there are approximately 2.5 million people employed in the industry, with 280,000 smallholder coffee growers, 660 larger farmers cultivating areas of 1–30 hectares (2.5–74.1 acres), 65 large plantations, 18 registered exporters, 51 registered processors and over 6,000 roadside buyers. However, although 12 provinces are active in the coffee industry, the bulk of coffee (approximately 90%) is produced in the five highlands provinces.
Estimated number of families relying on coffee for livelihood: 2.5 million (half the population!)
Typical Harvest Times:
April - September
Commercial coffee production in PNG really picked up in the post-war years. Between 1951 and 1965, areas planted under coffee grew from 147 ha to 4,800 ha (a growth of over 3000%).
Just a few decades ago, Papua New Guinea had a thriving coffee industry which provided stable jobs, reliable incomes, and a bright future.
Jamaican Blue Mountain seeds were first planted in the 1920s in the foothills of PNG’s southeastern Sangara province. Early European planters worked with local farmers to establish reliable farming methods and grading systems, and PNG coffee quickly developed into a consistently high-yielding and quality product that was exported across the world.
Origin: Papua New Guinea
Region: Western Highland Province
Process: Washed
Tasting notes: Intense, clean, dark chocolate with citrus sweetness and distinct floral rose notes..
PNG coffee is generally naturally grown without pesticides or other agro-chemicals, meaning there’s quite a bit of Certified Organic coffee from the country. However, almost all the coffee from Papua New Guinea is grown organically, even if it’s not certified.
The typical flavour profile of PNG coffee is quite distinct from the earthy and spicy flavours of beans found just a few islands to the West. The island’s fertile soil produces beans that have a crisp citrus acidity and are rich with flavours of chocolate and tropical fruits.