What makes Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee different?

What makes Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee different?

Compared to other developing countries, the size of the coffee-growing region in Jamaica is very small. In addition, not all the coffee grown in Jamaica is classified at Blue Mountain Coffee. That designation can be applied only to a small area in the mountains north of Kingston, and only to coffee that is grown at elevations above 900 metres.

The unique environment of the mountains and cool conditions mean that it take about 10 months from bloom to harvest. That’s about twice as long as in some other growing countries and regions. Add this unique climate to the equally unusual volcanic soil, and you’ll understand why the unique flavours of this coffee develop.

In many countries coffee is grown either on flat land, or on rolling hills. This isn’t the case in the high reaches of the Blue Mountains. There are no large, flat growing areas and coffee trees are planted in small groups, where the terrain allows. The labour-intensive (and expensive) growing and picking of the coffee in these parts must be considered too.

Once the green coffee beans have been processed, they are graded by size and checked for defects. These include size, with beans that are either too large or two small being rejected. Typically, only 85% of the beans are good enough for export. 

Next, they are sorted by hand, and all defective beans are rejected. In many countries this sorting process is now done by machine; however this is not the case in Jamaica. As with the growing and picking of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, the processing and sorting of the beans takes a lot of hands-on care. 

Jamaicans know they have a unique coffee, and they go to great lengths to ensure the quality of the beans that are approved to carry the name Blue Mountain Coffee. The same goes for the coffee processors. Jamaica’s Coffee Industry Board not only educates the growers and processors, but has also established clear rules for the growing, harvesting, processing and roasting of the region’s coffees. In addition, if an estate or processor wants to export its coffee, that coffee has to be tasted and evaluated by the Industry Coffee Board first.

When the Board cup the coffee, the process is a lot more formal and rigorous than most. Three cuppers taste each coffee. But before they taste it, they inspect the beans in both their green and roasted state. They then blind-cup the coffee and complete a detailed evaluation form. Regardless of the fame or reputation of the grower or processor, if a coffee isn’t deemed good enough, it is rejected.

We are often asked by fellow coffee lovers, “Where can I find Jamaica Blue near me?” So this year King Carlos Coffee have made this ultra rare coffee available in strictly limited in quantities. We invite you to try the most luxurious coffee in the world, as our newly released Stoneleigh Coffee guarantees smooth perfection in every sip, one of the most expensive coffee’s in the world, it is served strictly black.

 King Carlos Jamaica Blue Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountains

Stoneliegh Family

A beautiful fragrance of freshly cut fir. Deep flavours of apricot, melon and orange with a light syrup body and a cocoa and toffee aftertaste. Perfectly balanced aroma, body, acidity and flavour. Suggested for syphon, pour over or french press brewing methods.




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